Here are some of my thoughts on where it could be improved:
1) when a large item is,written, it wants to add space before the text, making the box unnecessarily large.
2) sometimes the expand/contract arrows at the bottom of the page dont show, until I rotate the screen.
3) It also seems to be optimised for a portrait tablet orientation, which means i have to use a smaller keyboard. This is not ideal for large fingers.
4) it would be better with a drop down select for the category of an item, so that the category could be changed, without having to rewrite. And, an all category should be available.
5) a prayer randomizer would also be pretty neat.
6) I would also make the collapse expand arrows in each item full the left side Of each box as I end up editing when I just want to collapse. Happens a lot.
Otherwise, I pretty much use it everyday. It is certainly the best prayer ap that Ive seen/used.